Terms and Conditions

The legal stuff.

Thanks for visiting Cheaper Please and PSSTT!

The Cheaper Please! brand and cheaperplease.com.au website are owned and operated by Cheaper Please Pty Ltd (ACN 606 456 188), and the PSSTT brand and psstt.com.au website are owned and operated by PSSTT Pty Ltd (ACN 662 351 699). By accessing and using this website and the services we offer, you must agree to these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy (which together, we call Terms). You should review these Terms carefully and if you do not agree to them, you must cease using this website and our services.

In these Terms, ‘us’, ‘we’ and ‘our’ means Cheaper Please Pty Ltd when you’re interacting with Cheaper Please!, and PSSTT Pty Ltd when you’re interacting with PSSTT.

1. Collection Notice

We collect personal information about you in order to purchase the itinerary you request on your behalf, and for purposes otherwise set out in our Privacy Policy.

We may disclose that information to third party providers for the purpose of purchasing your itinerary, or as required by law. If you do not provide this information, we may not be able to purchase your itinerary on your behalf. We may also disclose your personal information to third party providers who are based outside Australia, including but not limited to in the United States and Europe.

Our Privacy Policy explains: (i) how we store and use, and how you may access and correct your personal information; (ii) how you can lodge a complaint regarding the handling of your personal information; and (iii) how we will handle any complaint. If you would like any further information about our privacy policies or practices, please contact us by emailing hello@cheaperplease.com.au or hello@psstt.com.au and including the word “PRIVACY” in the subject line.

By providing your personal information to us, you consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of that information as described in the Privacy Policy and these Terms.

2. Accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information

The information on our website is not comprehensive and is intended to provide a summary of the subject matter covered. While we use all reasonable attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information on our website, to the extent permitted by law, including the Australian Consumer Law, we make no warranty regarding the information on this website. You should monitor any changes to the information contained on this website.

We are not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with the use of this website or a linked website. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from our website is free of viruses or anything else (such as worms or Trojan horses) that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.

We may, from time to time and without notice, change or add to the website (including the Terms) or the information, products or services described in it. However, we do not undertake to keep the website updated. We are not liable to you or anyone else if errors occur in the information on the website or if that information is not up-to-date.

3. Purchases made with Cheaper Please Pty Ltd

3.1 Pre-Purchases

Agency: By submitting an itinerary through our website, you are appointing us as your agent for the limited purpose of purchasing your itinerary from a third party provider such as an airline, hotel company or another travel provider. If we have not purchased your itinerary within 72 hours of the time you submit your request (or earlier if specified in your request), our appointment as your agent will automatically cease and we will no longer have the authority to enter into any contract on your behalf.

Price: When we receive your request, we will attempt to find an itinerary that meets your requirements and, if we do, we will enter into a contract between you and the applicable third party provider. We will then charge you the cost imposed by the third party provider for your itinerary, as well as a booking fee which we will calculate at the time of purchasing your itinerary. However, the price we charge you for your itinerary will always be less than the maximum price you specify in your request. In addition to the booking fee we will collect from you, we may also receive a commission from a third party provider for booking your itinerary through them, and we have no obligation to dislcose to you either the identity of the third party provider through which we purchase your itinerary or the amount of any commission we receive.

Changes to your request: During the period between submitting your request and the end date specified in your request, (or 72 hours after sub,itting your request if you did not specify an end date) if you realise you have made a mistake in your request or if you change your mind and no longer wish for us to act as your agent, you can email us at hello@cheaperplease.com.au with the word “URGENT” in the subject line and, provided we have not already purchased your itinerary, we will either change our search parameters or cease acting as your agent as you direct in your email, and confirm this by return email to you. However, you will be liable for any costs we have already incurred in purchasing your itinerary before we receive your email, even if we have not yet had an opporutnity to send you a confirmation of purchase.

No guarantee of purchase: We make no guarantee that we will be able to match or beat any price you have found for your itinerary through any other service. If you do not book through the other service and instead engage us to find a cheaper price, we are not liable for any extra costs you incur because you chose not to book your itinerary through the other service.

Obligation to purchase: By submitting a request for an itinerary, you are obliged to complete the purchase, and you are prohibited from submitting such a request where you do not intend to complete the transaction.

Pre-authorisation: When you submit an itinerary, we will place a temporary hold (called a “pre-authorisation” on your credit card for the amount you specify as the maximum price. This is to ensure that you will have the funds available to pay for your itinerary, should we be able to purchase one that meets your requirements. If we are unable to purchase your itinerary within the time period you specify, we will release the pre-authorisation, but it may take 1-3 business days before your bank makes the funds available to you again. During the time the pre-authorisation is in place, your available credit card balance will be reduced by the amount of the pre-authorisation and you will be unable to use these funds for other purposes.

3.2 Third Party Providers

Third party T&Cs: By submitting a request for an itinerary you agree that you will be bound by the additional terms and conditions imposed by the third party provider(s) through whom we enter into a contract for your itinerary with on your behalf.

Cessation of Service; Bankruptcy: We are not liable for the cessation of service, or declaration of bankruptcy, by any third party provider, including airlines. You agree that any claims arising from the cessation of service or declaration of bankruptcy by any third party provider will not be directed at us and that you will not raise a chargeback against us through your credit card issuing bank or other merchant facility provider (e.g. PayPal). In the unlikely event your travel plans are affected by a third party cessation of service, we will assist you with alternate plans, or in attempting to recover your funds from the third party provider.

Rejection of Itinerary: In a limited umber of circumstances and generally within 24 hours of a reservation being made, travel providers may reject reservation(s) made by or on your behalf. In such circumstances, we will use best endeavours to provide you a viable alternative at the same or lower price than the originally quoted price. If, despite best endeavours, we are unable to secure a viable alternative, we will refund any amounts previously charged to your original form of payment. Our only obligation in such a circumstance will be to use best endeavours to provide you a viable alternative, or to refund any amounts already charged to your credit card.

3.3 Changes and Cancellations

Unless you make a special request for us to purchase a refundable or changeable itinerary for you when you submit your request, we will purchase the cheapest possible itinerary meeting your specifications without regard to cancellation or change penalties. Therefore, you should assume that all purchases are non-refundable and non-changeable.

3.4 Prior to Travel

Schedule Changes: As airlines occasionally have last minute schedule changes, we strongly recommend that you reconfirm each of your flights with the airline(s) you are travelling on 2-3 days before your scheduled departure. Some airlines require telephone confirmation; for those airlines, failure to confirm may result in your reservation being cancelled. We will advise you by email and / or SMS of any schedule changes that are advised to us by an airline at least 72 hours prior to your scheduled departure, but we are unable to guarantee such advices within 72 hours of departure.

Check-In Fees: Some hotels will impose additional charges at the point of check-in that are impossible to pay in advance (e.g. “city taxes” or “resort fees”). While we will inform you of these fees if we are aware of them when we book your itinerary, these charges will be your responsibility and may result in the total price you pay for your accommodation being in excess of the price you specify when you submit an itinerary request.

Loyalty Programs: Many airlines and hotels provide guests with frequent traveller benefits (e.g. complimentary upgrades, lounge access, extended checkout times). Unless you specify when you submit your reservation request that you would like us to make a benefits-eligible booking, we will find the cheapest possible itinerary that meets your specifications without regard to any potential benefits, and any benefits provided will be at the discretion of the relevant travel service provider.

Visa & Health Matters: You are responsible for ensuring that all documentation (e.g. visa) and health requirements are met prior to travel.

3.5 Australian Consumer Law


4. Linked sites

Our website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not endorse and are not responsible for the content on those linked websites and have no control over or rights in those linked websites.

5. Intellectual property rights

Unless otherwise indicated, we own or license from third parties all rights, title and interest (including copyright, designs, patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights) in this website and in all of the material (including all text, graphics, logos, audio and software) made available on this website (Content).

Your use of this website and use of and access to any Content does not grant or transfer any rights, title or interest to you in relation to this website or the Content. However we do grant you a licence to access the website and view the Content on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and, where applicable, as expressly authorised by us and/or our third party licensors.

Any reproduction or redistribution of this website or the Content is prohibited and may result in civil and criminal penalties. In addition, you must not copy the Content to any other server, location or support for publication, reproduction or distribution is expressly prohibited.

All other use, copying or reproduction of this website, the Content or any part of it is prohibited, except to the extent permitted by law.

6. No commercial use

Our website is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, commercially exploit, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any Content, software, products or services contained within this website. You may not use this website, or any of its Content, to further any commercial purpose, including any advertising or advertising revenue generation activity on your own website.

7. Unacceptable activity

You must not do any act that we would deem to be inappropriate, is unlawful or is prohibited by any laws applicable to our website, including but not limited to:

  • any act that would constitute a breach of either the privacy (including uploading private or personal information without an individual’s consent) or any other of the legal rights of individuals;
  • using this website to defame or libel us, our employees or other individuals;
  • uploading files that contain viruses that may cause damage to our property or the property of other individuals;
  • posting or transmitting to this website any non-authorised material including, but not limited to, material that is, in our opinion, likely to cause annoyance, or which is defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic or otherwise or which is detrimental to or in violation of our systems or a third party’s systems or network security.

If we allow you to post any information to our website, we have the right to take down this information at our sole discretion and without notice.

8. Warranties and disclaimers

To the maximum extent permitted by law, including the Australian Consumer Law, we make no warranties or representations about this website or the Content, including but not limited to warranties or representations that they will be complete, accurate or up-to-date, that access will be uninterrupted or error-free or free from viruses, or that this website will be secure.

We reserve the right to restrict, suspend or terminate without notice your access to this website, any Content, or any feature of this website at any time without notice and we will not be responsible for any loss, cost, damage or liability that may arise as a result.

9. Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, including the Australian Consumer Law, in no event shall we be liable for any direct and indirect loss, damage or expense – irrespective of the manner in which it occurs – which may be suffered due to your use of our website and/or the information or materials contained on it, or as a result of the inaccessibility of this website and/or the fact that certain information or materials contained on it are incorrect, incomplete or not up-to-date.

10. Jurisdiction and governing law

Your use of the website and these Terms are governed by the law of Victoria, Australia and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in Victoria, Australia.

Effective 1 February 2023